Anstatt eines Reiseberichts

حالة حصار

(c) Imad Mustafa, Qalandiya-Checkpoint, Palestine

Mensch bist du.
Oder nicht?
Checkpoint, Schranke, Terminal
All the same


Uniform 1:                  You been rejected in 2006, it’s a 10 years ban.
                                      So why are you here?
Er:                                Uh, because-
Uniform 1:                  Wait here!! You cannot enter, maybe you can…
                                      if you are nice.
                                      Where are you going?
                                      What do you want here?
                                      Where will you stay?
                                      What’s your friend’s name?
                                      What are your relative’s names?
                                      Mohammad, Ahmad, Ashraf, Nisreen, Hussein??
Er:                                Well, that’s very common names…

Uniform 1:                  (Deutet auf verschiedene Photos auf dem Monitor) 
                                      Is it your uncle? This? Or this? Or this?
Er:                                No, no and no. Or maybe, I don’t know them all.
Uniform 1:                  Your friend, is it a citizen?
Er:                                Yes, she is.
Uniform 1:                  What’s her name?
                                      (Monitor) Is it her?
Er:                                Yes, that’s her.

Uniform 2:                 It’s not personal, we have nothing against you
Er:                                (Wenn ich dir doch nur glauben könnte)
Uniform 2:                 Come with me//Sit here, wait!!

Uniform 3:                 (Tippt unentwegt auf der Tastatur herum) 
                                      Are you in a relation, married, kids???
Er:                                (Racial and Social Profiling)
Uniform 3:                  Your father’s name, your grandfather’s name?
                                      What do you work?
                                       Your uncle’s name? 
                                      (Monitor) Is it him? 
                                      Do you have relatives outside Israel? Where?
                                      Their names? Which relation between you is it?
                                      When did they leave Israel?
                                      When did your parents leave Israel?
                                      How long will you stay?
                                      Where are you staying?
Er:                                With a friend in Y. and with my family.
Uniform 3:                 What’s his name?
Er:                                It’s a girl
Uniform 3:                 Is she a citizen? 
                                     (Monitor) Is it her?
                                     When did you meet?
Er:                                In 2010 or 2011.
Uniform 3:                 No, you met in 2010.
Er:                                Well, then 2010.

Uniform 3:                 Write down your father’s name,
                                     your grandfather’s name, your address, 
                                     your mobile number and all your email-
Uniform 3:                Bist du sicher, dass du nur eine Mailadresse hast?  

Uniform 3:                Where did you live in America? Wo wurdest du 
                                    dort geboren? 
Er:                               I have never stated that!
Uniform 3:                Really? What was it again…
Er:                               Germany!

Uniform 3:                What’s the name of your friend?
                                    Where will you stay?
                                    Where does she live? Her address?
                                    Will you see other relatives?
                                    Your uncle’s name?

(Back to Uniform 1)

Uniform 1:                How long will you stay in Israel?
Er:                              ’ne Woche.
Uniform 1:                OK, I will let you in for one week.
                                    (Stempelt widerwillig den Pass)
Er:                              OK.

(Leaves room towards exit/baggage claim)

Uniforms 4&5:         (Bored, sitting, playing with their smartphones)
                                     Where are you staying in Israel?
                                     Wait here, sit down!!
                                    (Talking on the walkie-talkie)

Uniform 6:                 Passport!
                                     Where are you going?
                                     How long are staying?
                                     Let’s get your bag!
Er:                               You American?
Uniform 6:                Brooklyn!

(Laufen Richtung Gepäckbänder, Koffer liegt herrenlos neben dem Band auf dem Boden)
Uniform 6:                  Take your bag.
                                      Come with me.

(Steriler Raum, Neonröhren überall, riesige Röntgenmaschine)

Uniform 7:                   Put your bags here, sit down!!

(Scans bag)

Uniform 7:                   All ok.

Uniform 6:                   Ok, we’re done.

(Takes him to the airport exit)

Uniform 6:                  Enjoy your stay!
Er:                                 (Verarsch mich nicht!)


Busdriver:                    Ab hier geht’s zu Fuß weiter.

(Der Sperrwall zur Rechten, Stahlkonstruktion, four narrow corridors, each ca. 50 cm wide, am Ende eine Drehtür, maximal drei Personen dürfen durch)

(warten) (warten) (warten) 
(Signal ertönt, Drehtür aktiviert, bullet-proof glass, behind it three uniforms, Speakers, Cameras, X-Ray for bags)

Uniform 1:                  (Stimme ertönt metallisch, herrisch, laut)
                                      Show me your Passport!
Er:                                (Hält ihn an die Scheibe)
Uniform 1:                  (Speaks to uniform 2, calls somebody)
                                      Show me Visa-Page!
                                      Ok, go!

                                      (Noch eine Drehtür, noch mehr Stahl, Kameras, Beton) 

                                      (Einstieg Bus, Fahrt entlang des Sperrwalls)


(Waiting queue for check-in, two X-Ray machines ahead, People, a station to search the bags and belongings for explosives; many uniforms walking around, walkie-talkies buzzing and humming, people are being picked out from the queue, mainly arabs, backpackers, a black guy)
Uniform 1:                  Are you traveling alone? Please step aside.
Er:                                (Jetzt geht’s los!)
Uniform 1:                  Show me your Passport! Where did you stay? 
Uniform 1:                  Did you pack your bag alone? Was it all the time
       under your supervision after you packed it?
                                      I’m asking because I fear somebody is using you
       to plant a bomb in the plane.
Er:                                (Natürlich denkst du nicht, dass ich ein
                                      Terrorist bin) Alles selber gepackt. Nobody is
                                      using me.
Uniform 1:                  Gehört alles in der Tasche dir?
Er:                                Yep.
Uniform 2:                  Is everything inside the bag from you or did 

       somebody buy things for you?

                                      Proceed to the machine and put your bags

(Next stop: manual search for explosives)

Uniform 3:                  Open the bags!             
                                      Don’t touch anything, sit down!!!
                                      (Untersucht jeden Gegenstand einzeln auf
                            Sprengstoff, puts everything in a big plastic-
                                      box, camera, timer, books, personal stuff, all
                                      and everything)

Uniform 4:                  (Sees the books, scientific stuff about palestine-
                                       israel) Are these books yours? Wo haste die her?
Er:                                 (Fuck, I should’ve listened to my friend and
                                       send them by mail) I took them from an
Uniform 4:                   Ok, ok. Where was that?
Er:                                  In J.

Uniform 5:                   Ab zur Leibesvisitation3, body check,
                                       Come with me.
                                       Leave your bags here.

(Führt ihn in einen separaten Raum, behind a curtain)

                                      Empty all your pockets, take your shoes off, put
                                      everything in the box!

                                      (takes the stuff somewhere, returns)

                                      stand up, lift your arms, and open your buttons!

                                      (Metaldetector buzzes)
                                      I have to call my supervisor// detector beeped
                                      twice, I have to call him.
                                      You will have to take your pants off and bend
Er:                                Is this really necessary? (willst du mich
Uniform 5:                 That’s the procedure. It’s not against you. It’s
      not personal.
                                      We have to do it.

Er:                                (Vielleicht hab´ ich ja ´ne Bombe im Arsch?!)

Uniform 6:                 Take your pants off//bend over!
Er:                                Muss das wirklich sein?
Uniform 6:                 That’s the procedure!
                                     (Checks ass with detector)
                                     OK, sorry for the inconvenience…
Er:                               (INCONVENIENCE??)

(Back to Uniform 3 and his bags)

Uniform 3:                  (Nachdem alles intensiv auf
                                      Sprengstoffspuren überprüft wurde)
                                      I’ll take you to the Check-in counter.
                                      No, no don’t put your bag here, take it, it goes
                                      on a separate way to the plane.
(Geht voran, schleust ihn durch die Sicherheitskontrolle)

Uniform 7:                  (Am Passschalter)
                                      What´s your father´s name?
                                      Your grandfather´s name?
                                      Sit down, it can take a while…
                                      (Geht mit Pass in separaten Raum)

Uniform 8:                  (Nach gefühlter Ewigkeit)
                                      Here’s your Passport
                                      (mit Exit-Stempel)
                                      You can go now.


Anstatt eines Reiseberichtes zwingt der allgegenwärtige Belagerungszustand in Palästina den Autor, sich den Fakten zu unterwerfen und dem Leser ein Bild vor Augen zu halten, das er in dieser Deutlichkeit nicht für möglich gehalten hätte.

Die Dialoge sind weder erfunden, noch ist ihre Ähnlichkeit zu wahren Begebenheiten zufällig.

Rasse und Abstammung sind Kategorien, die im israelischen Apartheidsystem mehr denn je Gültigkeit besitzen.

Remark to the readers:
Instead of giving a travel-account occupation and coercion-procedures in Palestine force the author to draw a picture about said conditions.

Dialogues are neither invented nor comes their similarity to factual events coincidentally.

Race and ethnicity constitute up to this day valid categories in the Israeli Apartheidsystem.

3 Kommentare:

  1. "Don’t touch anything, sit down!!!"
    Muss man dir das also nicht nur in Privathaushalten sagen, verstehe.

    Ansonsten - hattest du etwas anderes erwartet?


    P.S.: Welcome back :D

  2. weißt ja, hab meine finger nie im griff...

  3. jo ich weiß, immer auf der suche nach ungewaschenem geschirr, das sieht man auch in israel nicht gern...
